Tuesday, January 28, 2014

-34C With the Windchill - Brutally Cold!

Today, the air temp hit a low of -21C, -34C with the windchill - not exactly bamboo-friendly weather.  This winter has been BRUTAL! Absolutely the coldest I have experienced in my 7 years in Southern Ontario.

I have five plants in the ground right now.  Three others I managed to pot and bring into the garage before the really bad cold hit.  Since then, the garage has become so cold that I took a number of my more sensitive plants indoors.  This means they have come out of dormancy, which will be tricky to deal with.

Of the ones in the ground, here's a re-cap:

1. P. Aureosulcata 'spectabilis' - Mulched heavily with pine chips and leaves, but I could have done better protecting it - just a plastic trap wrapped and taped around it.  Leaf burn is pretty bad.  I learned my lesson this year.  Will cover it better next year if it survives. Here it is pre-winter:

Here it is now:

2. P. Rubromarginata - Mulched heavily with pine chips and leaves.  Covered with one of those thick plastic garment bags, which I managed to zip up almost fully.  It is buried under a foot of snow so I have no idea what is going on under there.  Here it is pre-winter:

3. F. Scabrida - Mulched heavily with pine chips and covered with one of those tent-like frost covers.  Can't get a good look at the leaves but looks like leaf burn has set in. Here it is pre-winter:

Not much to see now:

4. P. Parvifolia - Mulched heavily but left unprotected. This one was weak going into the winter as it was a plant that I brought in from a friend in Rochester, NY.  Since you're not allowed to bring soil across the border, this went about 6 hours essentially bare root, though the roots were wrapped in wet newspaper and bound with plastic wrap. One of the culms died off early on.  The other was hanging by a thread.  My only hope is that the root ball is viable.  Here's a pic of it during the recent ice storm:

5. P. Atrovarginata - Mulched heavily but this one was also from Rochester and also very weak going into the winter.  It essentially died to the ground before winter hit.  Low expectations for this one. No photo because it's just a dead culm sticking out the ground.

Fortunately, I managed to pot and move many others into more protected environments.  These are in my garage, where it still gets down to about -7C on the coldest nights:

 F. Robusta

 P. Nigra 'Othello'

 P. Aurea "Holochrysa':

These I moved into the house:

a small P. Parvifolia (pretty sad looking but it's been surprisingly stable for several months - hope it perks up)

P vivax huangwenzhu inversa (now bursting with new leaves - only one week after bringing it indoors)

P. edulis 'moso' (just a small seedling - note three tiny shoots emerging again only one week after bringing it indoors)

P. kwangsiensis (has been in very bad shape basically since I got it - I do see one tiny new shoot)

Semiarundinaria Fastuosa

Indocalamus Tessellatus

Pleioblastus viridistriatus (?) - this one I left for dead but to my surprise it is slowly coming back. Stunning yellow/lime coloration

Pseudosasa owatarii (?)

another ground cover bamboo I haven't been able to identify (any help would be appreciated)

So there you have it.  My complete collection thus far.  I aim to add 3-4 plants this spring, perhaps more, depending on how many I lose this winter.

1 comment:

  1. Big thanks to Brad Salmon from Needmore for identifying the last one as Shibataea kumasaca!
